Version |
Date |
Title |
Description |
2.0.3 |
12/26/2023 |
Added Search field and button to the main menu.
2.0.2 |
04/19/2021 |
Remind All
Added Remind All for items that are checked out.
2.0.1 |
04/18/2021 |
Added total savings to the Tips Jar
2.0.0 |
03/23/2021 |
Bootstrap 4.6
Converted from old Bootstrap version 3.6 (?) to 4.6
Fix the NAV classes
Replace class "img-responsive" to "img-fluid"
Cleanup the "row" and "col" classes
1.1.30 |
07/17/2017 |
Fixed bug - delete button showing for broken image.
Only allow the owner to delete URLs for broken images.
1.1.29 |
07/17/2017 |
Hide history on Checked Out page.
Split the Checked Out page to have the current stuff that needs to be managed at the top and the history, stuff that DOESN'T need to be managed hidden below
in an accordion.
1.1.28 |
07/12/2017 |
Fixed some SEO items.
Added meta tags for description, author, keywords. Also made the site name "Check Out My Stuff" as part of each Title tag and set the subtitle.
Reference these changes in the Spilled Milk site, because that was the guinea pig. Worked there, so why not HERE!
1.1.27 |
06/09/2017 |
Fixed bug with checked out items.
Fixed a bug with retrieving the Latest Items on the home page. When the same item is requested twice by different people, that was being duplicated in a cache and as
we all know you can't id the same ID into a cache TWICE! When Raj requested Beauty and the Beast AFTER I did, the home page was crashing. :(
1.1.26 |
06/06/2017 |
Added Open Graph <meta /> tags.
Added Open Graph meta tags for Facebook's sharing.
1.1.25 |
05/18/2017 |
Added Twitter <meta /> tags for cards.
Added Twitter meta tags for their cards so sharing the Home page will look nicer.
1.1.24 |
05/18/2017 |
VS 2017
Installed Visual Studio 2017 15.2 and it SHOULD JUST WORK. So far the environment looks stable, just need to test the deploy... If this view makes it to the site, then I believe the test was a success! :)
1.1.23 |
03/01/2017 |
Updated jQuery.validation
Updated jQuery.validation from version 1.15.1 to 1.16.0 Also fixed a bug with the broken image badge in the shared StuffList.
1.1.22 |
02/28/2017 |
Added default image.
Added a default image to use if a keyword/tag image cannot be found. Added keyword cloud button to details page. Added keyword cloud button to edit page.
1.1.21 |
02/24/2017 |
Make all-in-one sort / filter page.
Added an filer/sort accordion to the View Data page. Implemented a post for the sorting drop down lists.
Was able to remove the LatestAdditions page since it was no longer needed (handled by this more generic page).
1.1.20 |
02/23/2017 |
Added Owner / Borrower icons on manage page
In order to reduce a column on the manage page I combined the column into one with the email link to either the owner or borrower (whoever is NOT YOU, since you already KNOW who you are).
1.1.19 |
02/22/2017 |
Added For Sale Badges
Added "for sale badges" to the lists on the home page and endless scrolling page. These are supposed to alert you that the item is for sale (and probably not loanable).
1.1.18 |
02/19/2017 |
Added Broken Badges
Added "broken image badges" to the lists on the home page and endless scrolling page. These show that the image url referenced is blocked or broken and the default image is used (if available).
1.1.17 |
02/18/2017 |
Added Default Images
Added 4K default image for the keyword search.
Added Poster default image for the keyword and broken image search.
1.1.16 |
02/18/2017 |
Added Available Badges
Added "available badges" to the lists on the home page and endless scrolling page. These show who has the item checked out.
1.1.15 |
02/18/2017 |
Added Not Loanable Badges
Added not "loanable badges" to the lists on the home page and endless scrolling page. These show who has the item checked out.
1.1.14 |
02/18/2017 |
Broken Images use Default |
If an image fails to load (the link is broken), then the default image is used. Added an option on the Details page to delete the url if it's broken.
1.1.13 |
02/17/2017 |
Added Email to Checked Out |
Added email link to the "other" party when the item has been approved. By that time you should already be in contact with that person,
so the email address shows up and you can send free-form email through the "mailto:" browser directive. Added some button/link icons to checked out and detail.
1.1.12 |
02/16/2017 |
Added Approval Reminder |
Added a button to remind the owner that they have approved the item, but you still don't have it.
Added a button to remind the owner that they still need to approve the item.
Also fixed cancelling a request (this was not actually deleting the row).
1.1.11 |
02/15/2017 |
Added Checked Out Badges
Added checked out badges to the lists on the home page. These show who has the item checked out. Had issues with the endless scrolling page because I was using the ~ for relative paths when I shouldn't have.
1.1.10 |
02/12/2017 |
Added Top 5 Lists to Statistics |
Added a few Top 5 lists to the Statistics page (Checkouts, Borrowers, Loaners, Savers).
1.1.10 |
12/10/2016 |
Display Created Date on Latest Additions |
Added the created date on the endless scrolling format and the StuffList shared (partial) view.
1.1.9 |
12/10/2016 |
BUG: No image |
Fixed a bug on the endless scrolling page that blew up on a route when the item had NO URL or a keyword that matched one of the default images.
1.1.8 |
12/09/2016 |
Miscellaneous |
Removed old paging properties and code from the model and controller. Added tooltip to show who has item checked out on detail page. If an item is already checked out,
then notify the borrower as well that somebody is interested in the item.
1.1.7 |
10/19/2016 |
Profile Lists |
Added a list of currently checked out and currently loaned items to the profile page.
1.1.6 |
10/18/2016 |
Manage Confirmations |
Added button confirmations to the Manage page.
1.1.6 |
09/20/2016 |
Updated Profile |
Added latest checkouts and latest loans to your profile page.
1.1.5 |
09/20/2016 |
Bug: Register |
Fixed a problem with the registration page. When entering the contact information the Register/Profile link was empty. Thanks Bill D. for finding this one!
1.1.4 |
09/20/2016 |
Bug: Prompt for checkout |
Fixed a problem with the PromptForCheckout page. There was a missing @ in front of an "if" statement so it was showing some code versus executing it. Thanks Brian B. for finding this one!
1.1.4 |
09/20/2016 |
Check in reminder |
If you KNOW you gave the item to somebody, but they forgot to mark it received. A friendly reminder to please adjust their records.
1.1.3 |
09/20/2016 |
Wide Menu |
The menu appeared wider when logged in due to a stray semicolon in the Razor code. Formatted the link text in the controller and put it into the ViewBag.
1.1.2 |
09/08/2016 |
Clickable Keywords |
I had removed the clickable keywords when I added endless scrolling, because it was going to take some research to translate what I had done on the Razor page to JavaScrit.
SUCCESS! The data is parsed in the JavaScript into HTML and rendered on the page.
1.1.1 |
09/07/2016 |
input-group |
Added input-group to the "Find" button which makes the field and button look like one control.
1.1.0 |
09/06/2016 |
Endless/Infinite Scrolling |
Added endless/infinite scrolling to the main view page while preserving the filter and keyword functionality. Broke the display of the tags, though so that will be next on my list to fix.
Also added it to the Latest Additions page which reuses the JavaScript and controller logic.
Sorry, there is NO endless scrolling for THIS page. Maybe when this stuff is stored in the database.
1.0.36 |
08/16/2016 |
Registration |
An issue with the partial logon screen. Something wasn't being initialized correctly which prevented new registrations impossible. Sorry about that (Dan and Chris)
1.0.35 |
06/29/2016 |
Bug Fixes |
Not setting title on Manage Stuff page (and a few others) would not initialize the current user for the menu. Fixed a problem with referencing https links, was treating them like internal (on site) links.
1.0.34 |
06/02/2016 |
Crititcal Confirmations |
Using the bootstrap accordion to pop down a tiny confirm button which does the actual action.
1.0.33 |
06/01/2016 |
Profile Page |
Turned the manage (index) page into the profile page where you can see some of your statistics.
1.0.32 |
05/28/2016 |
Empty Quantity & other fixes. |
Fixed a problem with the Edit page where the Quantity field was empty. It would persist, but the field was not being copied over in the model's copy constructor.
Added a lookup for Owner Check Out so you don't have to know the EXACT email, it will search for text in last name, first name, and email if the value doesn't match an email address.
Had to use a hard <input /> tag to work around problems with Html.TextBoxFor(). Swapped in System.Data.Entity.SqlServer to be able to use the SqlFunctions.DateDiff method
to figure out who has the LONGEST checkout (Solomon).
1.0.31 |
05/19/2016 |
Is Loanable NULL |
Fixed a problem with IsLoanable being NULL when rendering the Detail page. Also added PriceForSale on the StuffList control.
1.0.30 |
03/30/2016 |
Owner Check Out |
On the Details page the owner of the item can check it out on behalf of another user.
1.0.29 |
02/21/2016 |
Keyword link on Stuff List |
In the Stuff List control, make the keywords actual links to filter by keyword.
1.0.28 |
02/21/2016 |
Manage w/ badge |
Count total active items and add them as a "badge" or "alert" to the menu.
1.0.27 |
11/03/2015 |
Page with Filter |
Was not passing the ViewModel correctly. Not successful at passing an INT and a ViewModel to a controller command so JUST passing a new ViewModel.
Making the ViewModel figure the paging instead of the controller. (The ViewModel should know what the next, previous, and last pages are.)
1.0.26 |
10/22/2015 |
Latest Additions |
Expanded latest additions to its own page displaying a constant 16 items. No date yet. I'll probably change the view to sort by date added, then I won't need this page. |
1.0.25 |
10/19/2015 |
FAQ Uses Accordion |
Figured out how to use the bootstrap accordion to show and hide FAQ content. |
1.0.24 |
10/17/2015 |
Cancel Check Out |
Added a command to undo a check out. Let's say Alex has already WATCHED Strange Brew and you already checked it out to him. |
1.0.24 |
10/17/2015 |
Home Page Items |
Added latest additions and what's popular on the home page. Converted the Stuff listing to a PartialView so it could be reused in 3 places (so far). |
1.0.24 |
10/17/2015 |
Created Date NULL |
Fixed a bug where the CreatedDate was not being set when adding items through the create page or the import function. |
1.0.24 |
10/17/2015 |
Create Copy |
If you have an item that somebody else has you can create an editable copy before you save it as your own. Of course you can come back to it and make changes at any time. |
1.0.23 |
10/16/2015 |
Delete Item |
Added a delete button for the owner on the details page. Still no confirmation on it though so BE CAREFUL! |
1.0.22 |
10/11/2015 |
Site Stats |
Added a few site statistics to the home page. |
1.0.22 |
10/11/2015 |
Forgot Password |
The “EmailConfirmed” column was set to False for everybody so it didn’t even go into that part of the code. I was suspicious of that, but since I didn’t require confirmation I figured it would flow through. It doesn’t. “ForgotPassword” checks to see if that email is registered AND confirmed. By setting up the EmailService within the account framwork, now the user stuff can send out SMTP emails. |
1.0.21 |
10/10/2015 |
User Filtering |
Only able to filter on users that have STUFF. (Otherwise you get a whole lot of nothing.) |
1.0.21 |
10/10/2015 |
Keyword Filtering |
Filter on the whole keyword. Cheating on this since all the keywords are concatenated with commas; using a combination of StartsWith, EndsWith, Equals, and Contains including well placed commas. Since this field is part of the POST, you can filter AND use keywords to reduce your set. |
1.0.21 |
10/10/2015 |
Keyword Sorting on Filter Cloud |
Now you can sort the keywords (ascending) or count (descending). |
1.0.21 |
10/10/2015 |
Many cosmetic changes |
Added custom favicon.ico. Created error image. Created "checked out image" and added it to details and request if item already checked out. |
1.0.20 |
10/05/2015 |
Email Template Tweaks |
Needed to change a few of the email templates. Include the number on an item if the is one. Also added Owner to the request page. |
1.0.19 |
10/04/2015 |
Reminder Sheet |
If you are the owner of the item, you can print a reminder sheet to send with your stuff. |
1.0.19 |
10/04/2015 |
Default Icons on Filter Cloud |
Checking the file system for tags with a PNG file of the same name. |
1.0.19 |
10/04/2015 |
Prettier wide view |
Used Bootstrap's "clearfix" which really helps when you're putting MORE than 12 columns within a row. |
1.0.18 |
10/03/2015 |
Versions |
Created this versions page so I can keep track of what I've done and when. |
1.0.17 |
09/28/2015 |
Default Images |
Based on Tag1 and Tag2, use a default image contained on the website. |
1.0.16 |
09/27/2015 |
Extract Data |
You can now extract all of your data. Maybe you entered it all by hand? Or maybe you made a few tweaks. Either way, you can now extract YOUR data. |
1.0.15 |
Stuff Not Found |
Added a "Stuff Not Found" page after Brian Bauer poked a few holes in the MVC code. |
1.0.14 |
Send link to friend |
Send a link to something you own to a friend so they can "check it out" |
1.0.13 |
View by User |
Added user links to the Filter Cloud to see individual user's stuff. |
1.0.12 |
Create Logo |
Create logo in Photoshop from sketches (doodles from a TURBO meeting WAY back) |
1.0.11 |
Convert to MVC5 and use Bootstrap |
Watched videos on to learn Bootstrap. (will be on Reference section soon) IT GOES TO 11!! |
1.0.10 |
Help with CSV Upload |
Effectively a data dictionary of what kind of data you can load. You shouldn't have to GUESS! |
1.0.9 |
Keyword Cloud |
Parsing all the keywords in the system and creating a searchable page. |
1.0.8 |
Check Out / Admin |
More form mail... Starting the workflow of request, approval, check out, and check in. |
1.0.7 |
Form Mail |
Never done form mail before. Figured out how to send mail from the server. The request is in off of the Details page. |
1.0.6 |
View Details |
Click on link in the Data View and see more details about an item. |
1.0.5 |
Updload CSV File |
Now able to upload a CSV file. ABSOLUTELY NO COMMAS IN YOUR DATA! (Yes, I was entering test data by hand up until now.) |
1.0.4 |
Contact Info |
Added MY contact info and the ability to edit YOUR contact info. |
1.0.3 |
View Data Paging |
Added paging to the data view so the stuff doesn't come down all at once. (Be respectful of mobile!) |
1.0.2 |
View Data Search |
Added the capability to search title (name), description, and keywords. |
1.0.1 |
Categories (tags) |
Added category/tag parsing into the Keywords |
1.0.0 |
View Details (without needing an account) |
Used the StructureMap IoC to create the database context and return an IQueryable for the columnar details. WE MIGHT HAVE SOMETHING HERE! |
0.0.0 |
2/1/2015 |
Initial creation |
Used the Microsoft Visual Studio default MVC4 template. |